Thursday, August 18, 2011

Freedom from the Spirit of Regret and Discouragement

Freedom From The Spirit of Regret and Disappointment

This year I have been asking the Holy Spirit to shine His light on anything and everything that is a hindrance to my relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It has been a painful process. He has been showing me demonic strategies and strongholds in my soul and flesh that restrict His power from flowing through me and having complete victory. He is teaching us, the remnant body, spiritual warfare at a high level by exposing the strategies and tactics of the enemy.

Over the years the Lord has taught me how to recognize the demonic assignment or influence of generational patterns of behavior, illness and other manifestations. Some of the most common and hardest to break are spirits of anger, unforgiveness, resentment, and bitterness. Think of them as viruses or malware on your computer. The effects of which can slow you down or crash you completely. I have also experienced the Kingdom power of love, acceptance and forgiveness!  This is the process that gets everything cleaned up, optimized and running as God designed us.  

I am blessed to be part of a 3 man group we call the Three Stranded Cord. These are mature men of God who He has brought together to be in close transparent fellowship to help each other grow stronger in our walk with Him. Recently we were discussing a demonic strategy and stronghold that was a revelation to me. This area has been a place of torture and torment for most of my life but I haven't recognized it as a demonic spirit or stronghold.

It can do the same damage as unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment and illness but we don't put it in the same context or recognize it as the same kind of threat to our peace and joy, much less freedom, authority and power. In some ways I think it is more dangerous because the church doesn't seem to be recognizing or dealing with it as a demonic spirit that is stealing, killing and destroying God's people.  I think it may even be a principality that sits over spirits of unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, offense, and alike.  It is The Spirit of Regret and Disappointment! 

Have you ever thought of Regret and Disappointment as a demonic spirit? Ask most Christians if they have any regrets and they will gladly confess, "Yes". They don't realize they are confessing that they have a spiritual influence that is hindering their Christian experience and yet wonder why they don't see more victory in their lives.  I'm not talking about the obvious kind of regret where we beat ourselves up about past sin and things that God has forgiven us for, although that applies.

I'm talking about the subtle, "If only I had made different choices in my life it would have taken a different direction." Translation, my life would be better than what it is right now, meaning I would have a better spouse, career, kids, or quality of life. "If mom or dad or (insert name here) had spent more time with me, encouraged me, loved me, or supported me then my life would be better."  This spirit of regret is the false belief that doing things differently would have a better result today and the star of the show is ME! 

As we discussed this what hit me like a kick to the gut, and it really felt like that, was the Holy Spirit revealing to me that looking back with regret or disappointment on how things might have turned out differently based on a "what if" is a sin of coveting, pride or vanity. As such it gives demons leverage to stimulate negative emotions, torment, divisions, illness, and steals our peace, joy and the victory we are supposed to have in Him. In that "Ah-ha" moment Christ said, "I paid for that on the cross and I want you to release that to me. You can't embrace your future while hanging on to past regrets and disappointments." Let me say that again only differently.  You cannot embrace your true authority or victory in Christ while indulging the thoughts and ideas of regrets. It opens too many doors to the enemy. 

Taken another step, you can't fully experience the Great Commandment, receive the fullness of the fruits and gifts of the Spirit while holding on to any form of regret. It is a spiritual oppression hindering our relationship with Christ and it must be put under His Blood just like everything else. This is a key Great Commandment principle to loving yourself and others.  

One of the revelations was that at this stage in my life I didn't believe I harbored any unforgiveness, resentment or bitterness toward anyone. But I have been eaten up with regrets of all kinds and the enemy has exploited that in the forms of anger, discontent, depression, alcohol, lust, and the list goes on and on. All of this has manifested while being a blood bought, born again, Spirit filled, renegade follower of Jesus Christ for the past 23 years! What my regrets revealed to me was that I was holding on to offenses such as unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness and more, but I was holding it against myself. I was releasing everyone accept me.

Why? Because we have bought into the lie that it is impossible to live life without regret and we as Christians have accepted it as being okay and not put it in the same bucket as bitterness, unforgiveness and resentment. Regret grieves the Holy Spirit and rejects the redemptive power of the Blood of Jesus Christ and the love or the Father. As such it gives the enemy a legal right to torture us and is manifests with destructive behaviors and illnesses. They use it to accuse and condemn us and it robs us of a victorious life in Him and His Kingdom!

I believe regret feeds other spirits of dysfunctional behavior, illness and other disorders. How many times have I punished myself and others because of regret that in turn made me feel unworthy (insecure and inferior) and as a result put me in bondage to destructive behavior patterns that my will can never conquer until I surrender my regrets to Jesus? Even worse, how often have I/we used guilt, regret and disappointment as a weapon to punish others that we love like our spouse or kids? That just gives more power to the enemy to harm the people we love.

I believe this is partly what Paul is addressing in Romans chapters 5 thru 8. I also see it in Hebrews 10. God will always convict our hearts when we are out of alignment with Him but Regrets invites condemnation. Regret is a sin, like any other and as such requires repentance so it can be covered in the Blood. Somewhere along the way we (Christians) stopped recognizing that and made it acceptable. How many Christians are struggling with the bondage of addiction, eating disorders, pornography, anger, depression, illness. infidelity, and the list could go on and on simply because we have been blinded to this Truth? 

I believe when Christians receive this revelation and repent, that the Holy Spirit will rush in like a flood and destroy the works of the enemy!  I've already experienced that in myself. I am thankful and give praise to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost for helping us clearly identify and name this demonic spirit that has caused so much destruction in our lives. Holy Spirit I ask that you keep revealing the strategies and tactics of the enemy so that your people can walk in freedom.  Amen!

Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.

Psalm 16:5,6 -5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. 6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. 

Philippians 4:10-13  10 I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. 

Job 42:1-3 1 Then Job replied to the LORD:  2 “I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. 3 You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge?’   Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.

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